Year                Team                                         Host City       Other Cities
1961-1998           Ackley-Geneva                                Ackley          Geneva
1958-present        Albert City-Truesdale                        Albert City     Truesdale

1991/07-present     Arlington Starmont                    Strawberry Point Arlington      Lamont
2012-present        Avoca AHSTW                                  Avoca           Avoca Hancock Shelby Tenant Walnut
1960-present        Bloomfield Davis County                      Bloomfield      Pulaski, Troy
19??-1988           Britt                                        Britt
1989-present        Britt West Hancock                           Britt
1990-present        Boyden-Hull-Rock Valley                      
19??-1977           Buffalo Center                               Buffalo Center
1978-1986           Buffalo Center-Rake                          Buffalo Center  Rake
1987-1988           Buffalo Center-Rake-Lakota-Thompson          Buffalo Center  Lakota Rake Thompson
19xx-1915           Cherokee Lincoln
1916-1951           Cherokee Wilson                              Cherokee
1952-present        Cherokee Washington                          Cherokee
19??-1992           Clarence-Lowden
19??-1987           Clarion                                      Clarion
1988-present        Clarion-Goldfield                            Clarion         Goldfield
19xx-1966/07        Correctionville
1966/07-1994/07     Correctionville Eastwood
  1989 Correctionville Eastwood-Anthon-Oto
  1990 Correctionville Eastwood
  1991 Correctionville Sioux Valley
  1992 Correctionville Eastwood-Anthon-Oto
  1993 Correctionville Eastwood-Anthon-Oto
1994/07-present     Correctionville River Valley
19??-1994           Creston                                      Creston
1995-present        Creston-Orient-Macksburg                     Creston         Orient-Macksburg
1993-present        Denison-Schleswig                            Denison         Schleswig
18??-1924?          Des Moines West                              Des Moines                         (Replaced by DM Roosevelt)
1924?-present       Des Moines Roosevelt                         Des Moines                         (1926 definitely existed)
19??-1991           Dike                                         Dike
1992-present        Dike-New Hartford                            Dike            New Hartford
19??-1962/07        Epworth  -- never had football
1962/07-present     Epworth Western Dubuque                      Epworth         
   began football in 1972
1990-present        Everly Clay Central-Everly                   Everly          Royal, Cornell, Greenville, Rossie
1959-present        Garner-Hayfield                              Garner          Hayfield
19??-1969/07        Garrison                    
1957-present        Glidden-Ralston                              Glidden         Ralston
19??-7/1/1993       Gowrie Prairie                               Gowrie
1993/07-2014/07     Gowrie Prairie Valley                        Gowrie
2014/07-present     Gowrie Southeast Valley                      Gowire          
1960-2006           Hastings Nishna Valley                       Hastings        Emerson, Henderson, Strahan
19??-1989?          Jefferson-Scranton                           Jefferson       Scranton
1990?-present       Jefferson JSPC                               Jefferson       Churdan, Paton, Scranton
19??-1988?          Manson                                       Manson
1989?-present       Manson Northwest Webster                     Manson
19??-1954           Mapleton                                     Mapleton
1955-1967           Mapleton Maple Valley                        Mapleton        Ticonic
1968-1993           Mapleton Maple Valley                        Mapleton        Ticonic Castana 
1994-2017           Maple Valley-Antho-Oto                       Mapleton        Castana, Danbury, 
Anthon, Oto
19xx-07/01/1992     Newell-Providence                            Newell          Sulphur Springs
7/01/1992-present   Newell-Fonda                                 Newell          Fonda Sulphur Springs
1956-present        Northwood-Kensett                            Northwood       Kensett
2007-present        Pleasant Hill Southeast Polk                 Pleasant Hill   Altoona, Mitchellville, Pleasant Hill
1989                Pocahontas Area                              Pocahontas      Havelock Plover
1990-present        Pocahontas Area                              Pocahontas      Havelock Plover Rolfe
1963-present        Riverside Highland                           Riverside       Ainsworth
1960-1989           Rock Rapids Central Lyon                     Rock Rapids     
1990-present        Rock Rapids Central Lyon-George-Little Rock  Rock Rapids     George, Little Rock
196x-1989           Royal Clay Central                           Royal           Cornell, Greenville, Rossie
1964-2006           Runnells Southeast Polk                      Runnells        Altoona, Mitchellville, Pleasant Hill
19??-1992           Schleswig                                    Schleswig
19??-1993/07        Somers Cedar Valley                          Somers
1992-1997           Hamburg-Sidney Southwest                     Hamburg         Sidney
1994                Hamburg-Sidney Southwest                     Sidney          Hamburg
1995                Hamburg-Sidney Southwest                     Hamburg         Sidney
1998-present        Hamburg                                      Hamburg
2008-present        Manning IKM-Manning                          Manning         Irwin, Kirkman, Manilla
1955-present        Odebolt-Arthur                               Odebolt         Arthur
1998-present        Sidney                                       Sidney
1964/07-1991/07     Strawberry Point Starmont                    Strawberry Point Arlington      Lamont
1961-1992           Stanwood Lincoln                             Stanwood        Mechanicsville
1993-present        Standwood North Cedar                        Stanwood        Clarence, Lowden, Mechanicsville

1995-present        Stuart West Central Valley                   Stuart          Dexter, Menlo, Redfield
1971-1994           Stuart-Menlo                                 Stuart          Menlo
1895-1960           Traer                                        Traer
1961-1963           Traer-Clutier                                Traer           Clutier
1964-present        Traer North Tama                             Traer           Clutier, Dinsdale
19??-1993/07        Vinton
1993/07-present     Vinton-Shellsburg                            Vinton          Shellsburg
19??-1938/01/01     Valley Junction     (changed to West Des Moines Valley)
1960-present        Waverly-Shell Rock                           Waverly         Shell Rock
19??-1971           West Burlington
1972-1988           West Burlington Arnold                       West Burlington
1989-present        West Burlington-Notre Dame                   West Burlington Burlington Notre Dame
1938/01/01-present  West Des Moines Valley
1957-1984           West Union North                             West Union
1984-present        West Union North Fayette                     West Union      Fayette


19??-19??           Cedar Rapids Grant     Cedar Rapids Grant Vocational
1925?-1960          Cedar Falls NU         Cedar Falls TC High
1961-1963           Cedar Falls NU         Cedar Falls SCI High


1950                Cedar Rapids McKinley      Golden Bears
1950                Cedar Rapids Roosevelt     Rough Riders
1950                Cedar Rapids Franklin      Thunderbolts
Iowa colleges/universities

1876-1909: Iowa State Normal School
1909-1961: Iowa State Teachers College
1961-1967: State College of Iowa
1967-    : University of Northern Iowa
Useful site: